Welcome and thank you for visiting our group's website. We are a research group in the Jonsson school at the University of Texas at Dallas and are engaged in many next generation research projects. The primary emphasis is on the system level design and, therefore, we address problems related to architectures, algorithms, and applications.
Our current research focus is in the areas of biomedical instrumentation, healthcare technologies, mobile healthcare platforms, and use of technology to address and solve clinically important healthcare problems. The group has collaborative projects with clinical faculty at UT Southwestern.
Prospective graduate students are expected be knowledgable in system level design which involves good fundamental knowledge in basic circuit design, hardware design, and embedded software development. Most importantly, prospective students should be willing to learn beyond the limits of their degree discipline.
Some of the research from our group has resulted in and can result in technology transfer. UTD, as an institution, has a very well organized technology transfer program. Interested parties can contact us or the technology transfer office.